As pet care wildfire crisis abates, shelter’s adoptions resume for displaced, unclaimed pets
February 20, 2025/by Pasadena HumaneBeing there for the Eaton fire’s injured, missing pets – a firsthand account by a veterinarian
February 17, 2025/by Pasadena HumaneColumn: Sweet reunion for Carrot Cake and family after Eaton fire separation
February 4, 2025/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Wildfire emergency help for lost, injured pets is in place, and you can help
February 4, 2025/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Pasadena Humane’s Rose Parade float gets ‘Best Day Ever!’ just right
January 6, 2025/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Reflecting on those who help pets, wildlife is the best part of 2024
January 6, 2025/by Dia DuVernetColumn: This Rose Parade float is true to its theme and goals
December 23, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Pet food pantry programs aim to keep pets at home and out of shelters
December 15, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Shelter pets are dreaming of ‘best day ever’ and you can help
December 15, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Got two weeks to foster a large-breed dog? Pasadena Humane might have a fit for you
December 6, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Fostering shelter animals is dear to 2025 Rose Court member
November 16, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: ‘Golden years’ for your dog or cat start earlier than you may think
November 16, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Vaccinating pets is a healthy move for them and the community, too
November 16, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Halloween costumes for dogs or other pets are a treat or tricky
November 3, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Be a true friend to wild animals. Don’t feed them, and here’s why
November 3, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Your lifestyle is a key question during Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
November 3, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Adoption deals, special events offered by Pasadena Humane
October 7, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Do you know why squirrels can climb down a tree head-first?
October 7, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Consider a ‘catio’ to satisfy your cat’s curiosity while staying safe
September 21, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Animal welfare gets a lifelong start at after-school lessons
September 21, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Is it ever too late for training a dog?
September 12, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Bats are essential to our ecology, but don’t touch
September 12, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Pasadena Humane’s ‘Waggin’ is a classic at this car show
August 30, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Help to ‘Clear the Shelters’ and make a new pet friend
August 22, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Don’t overlook big dogs at shelters, they need your big love, too
August 12, 2024/by Dia DuVernetThe Olympics and Pasadena Humane connection goes way back
August 7, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Cat skills are learned early by kittens at play
July 31, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: When your dog takes a snooze, they may be dreaming about you
July 31, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Local shelter first if you’ve lost or found a pet
July 31, 2024/by Dia DuVernetEducation, compassion: Goals for coexistence with wildlife
July 10, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: July 4th fireworks exciting, but traumatizing for pets and wildlife
July 6, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Litter boxes for cats, keep it basic, clean and one per cat
June 24, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Who cares for your pet when you can’t? Make these six plans now
June 24, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Grateful for tender medical care for pets after human accident
June 15, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Say hello to Milo, given a new leg up on life, thanks to generous donors
May 24, 2024/by Pasadena HumaneColumn: During ‘coyote pupping season’ beware when walking your dog
May 17, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: A pet resume may help you and your pet secure a place to rent
May 7, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: When to start your new pup off on the right paw? Early!
May 7, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Here’s how volunteers are ‘vital’ to Pasadena Humane
May 7, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Wiggle Waggle Walk and Run, April 21, is your dog’s idea of fun
April 19, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Sure, a puppy is cute, but adopting an adult dog has its benefits
April 9, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Down-on-their luck pets helped by shelter, but need your help for new homes
April 4, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Know what to do if you find a baby bird or other wildlife in distress
April 4, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: It’s ‘Kitten season’ at Pasadena Humane
March 22, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Pasadena Humane’s advice when the neighbor’s dog barks excessively
March 22, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Running off-leash in public sounds good, but don’t allow your dog to do it
March 4, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Spay/neuter pets for their health and curbing pet homelessness
February 27, 2024/by Dia DuVernetYes, with patience, you will get through your dog’s ‘teen’ years
February 27, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Give your heart to a pet friend to improve your health and theirs, too
February 15, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Counting the ways that Pasadena Humane is more than ‘just a shelter’
February 15, 2024/by Dia DuVernetIt’s the law, but a dog license offers benefits you may not realize
February 3, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: A ‘rosy’ new year beginning for shelter dogs at Pasadena Humane
January 22, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Dog DNA testing may help shelter dogs be adopted more quickly
January 22, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: For Pasadena Humane, a Rose Parade ride to remember (even for the doggies)
January 6, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Snuggle with your pet on Jan. 1 and cheer Pasadena Humane’s Rose Parade entry
January 6, 2024/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Pasadena Humane’s holiday wish is for pets to go to loving and responsible homes
December 30, 2023/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Pasadena Humane honors volunteer, who became a top leader at the shelter
December 19, 2023/by Pasadena HumaneColumn: Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex and what dog owners need to know
December 13, 2023/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Dedicated Pasadena Humane volunteers get a rosy spotlight on Jan. 1, 2024
December 13, 2023/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Local nonprofits seek to transform communities. Here’s a way to support them
December 3, 2023/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Pumpkin and Sally, bonded senior dog pals, need a home together forever
December 3, 2023/by Dia DuVernetHistory between Pasadena Humane, Tournament of Roses goes back more than a century
November 17, 2023/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Pasadena Humane’s first Rose Parade float in 20 years is all about people-pet harmony
November 8, 2023/by Dia DuVernetSupernatural powers or not, some animals are Halloween symbols
November 2, 2023/by Dia DuVernetMaui Humane Society asked for help, Pasadena Humane responded
October 26, 2023/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Give a big dog a chance when it comes to adopting a second pup
October 26, 2023/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Busting myths about urban wildlife at ‘Wildlife Day’ on Oct. 8
October 12, 2023/by Dia DuVernetPet Food Pantry at Pasadena Humane helps to keep pets in their home
October 4, 2023/by Dia DuVernetColumn: ‘Abandoning pets is not the answer’
October 4, 2023/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Be open-minded to adopting an ‘underdog’
September 17, 2023/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Remembering beloved pets on Sept. 10, National Pet Memorial Day
September 17, 2023/by Dia DuVernetDid you know that dog diversity is down to 1% of their DNA?
September 17, 2023/by Dia DuVernetHow to keep your dog, and you, safe during car excursions
August 31, 2023/by Dia DuVernetPaws in the City: How to keep your pets cool? Pasadena Humane has some hot tips
August 20, 2023/by Dia DuVernetTime to adopt a black cat (time to leave the superstitions in the past)
August 11, 2023/by Dia DuVernetGerman shepherd ‘Margot Robbie’ looks to her own ‘Barbieland’ dream
August 11, 2023/by Dia DuVernetDOGust, Aug. 1, is the ‘Universal Birthday’ for shelter dogs
August 4, 2023/by Dia DuVernetPet hoarding is both animal cruelty and a mental health disorder
July 28, 2023/by Dia DuVernetFree Adoption Day is coming Saturday at Pasadena Humane
July 21, 2023/by Dia DuVernetLiving in coyote country has its dangers, but ‘trap and kill’ is not the answer
July 8, 2023/by Dia DuVernetFor July Fourth, an ID on your pet is a must
July 8, 2023/by Dia DuVernetThe mysterious ways (to us) of cats
June 29, 2023/by Dia DuVernet5 myths about adopting pets from animal shelters, courtesy of Pasadena Humane
June 22, 2023/by Dia DuVernetYou love your pet but when was the last time you made a plan for their health and safety?
June 15, 2023/by Dia DuVernetIt’s not the dog’s years, it’s the love they give you that matters
June 2, 2023/by Dia DuVernetTaking the mystery out about why cats scratch
May 25, 2023/by Dia DuVernetShelter dogs love to be read to by children. Who knew?
May 19, 2023/by Dia DuVernet‘Be Kind to Animals Month’ in Pasadena gives hope to shelter pets
May 11, 2023/by Dia DuVernetExcited as you are with new pet, they may be wary of new home
May 4, 2023/by Dia DuVernetPasadena offers much thanks to volunteers
April 27, 2023/by Dia DuVernetUnsung animal control officers, dispatchers lauded for their moxie and compassion
April 20, 2023/by Dia DuVernetPasadena Humane’s rules 101 when greeting a dog
April 14, 2023/by Dia DuVernetNever a dull day for Pasadena Humane’s animal control officers
April 5, 2023/by Dia DuVernetVeterinarians at Pasadena Humane give care to cats, dogs and sometimes an iguana
March 30, 2023/by Dia DuVernetPasadena Humane adoption counselors are matchmakers for forever homes
March 23, 2023/by Dia DuVernetPasadena Humane shines light on Animal Resource Center, ‘frontline’ workers
March 14, 2023/by Dia DuVernetDog Poop DNA 101: Welcome to the future of pet-waste management
March 5, 2023/by Dia DuVernetGarden wildlife? Tips to keep critters and your pet safe and healthy
March 5, 2023/by Dia DuVernet‘Pee mail’ is a thing between your dog and other dogs on walkies
February 23, 2023/by Dia DuVernetLarge dogs get the love at Pasadena Humane’s ‘Be Mine’ Valentine’s Day promotion
February 17, 2023/by Dia DuVernetNo chocolate, ever, for pets; try green beans, carrots or plain yogurt for dog snacks
February 3, 2023/by Dia DuVernetWhen dog-walking neighbors come together for support when a beloved pet dies
February 3, 2023/by Dia DuVernetSpread the love during National Walk Your Dog Month
January 27, 2023/by Dia DuVernetUh oh, here comes the rain again and your dog says no to ‘walkies’
January 18, 2023/by Dia DuVernetA pet license is more than just a tag, even for unicorns; Here’s why
January 11, 2023/by Dia DuVernetA New Year’s resolution from Pasadena Humane: celebrate accomplishments
January 3, 2023/by Dia DuVernetMaggie the dog, a hit-and-run survivor, thrives due to public’s response to medical fund
December 30, 2022/by Dia DuVernetNow is a kindhearted time to foster or adopt a best ‘furry’ friend
December 22, 2022/by Dia DuVernetKeeping pets safe at the holidays: 5 things to know
December 15, 2022/by Dia DuVernetGive a dog a mental health break from pet shelter-life by fostering over the holidays
December 7, 2022/by Dia DuVernetWith Avian Influenza circulating, here’s how to help protect birds
November 22, 2022/by Dia DuVernetSeniors get a fee break for adopting pets on Nov. 12 at Pasadena Humane
November 17, 2022/by Dia DuVernetSenior-aged cats and dogs in shelters get their chance for adoption during Adopt a Senior Pet Month
November 9, 2022/by Dia DuVernetHalloween can be no treat for pets; owners need to be wary of candy, decoration dangers
October 29, 2022/by Dia DuVernetLosing pets can be scary, but here are some steps to take to find them
October 29, 2022/by Dia DuVernetAdopting two kittens at the same time is easier than with one, surprisingly, plus they’re twice the fun
October 20, 2022/by Dia DuVernetWhy are dogs such good therapy pets? The answer might be in their noses
October 13, 2022/by Dia DuVernetGive a shelter dog a second chance for a loving home during Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
October 6, 2022/by Dia DuVernetColumn: Overcrowded animal shelters hope a ‘help us’ alert boosts adoptions, donations
September 28, 2022/by Dia DuVernetA barking-good time planned for Pasadena Humane’s Wiggle Waggle Walk and Run on Sept. 18
September 15, 2022/by Dia DuVernetChildren learn compassion for animals when they take an educational class at Pasadena Humane
September 8, 2022/by Dia DuVernetFoster-to-Adopt program at Pasadena Humane got Tofu the dog together with his forever family
August 31, 2022/by Dia DuVernetFees waived on pet adoptions at Pasadena Humane during ‘Clear The Shelters’ event
August 25, 2022/by Dia DuVernetJingle of keys and let’s go for a ride are music to the ears of dogs who love riding in cars
August 17, 2022/by Dia DuVernetIndoor living is best for cat longevity, but ‘catios’ are fun and walking on leash is doable
August 10, 2022/by Dia DuVernetRoad trips are fun with your dog along, as long as you plan for rest stops and pet safety
August 5, 2022/by Dia DuVernetClassical or reggae? Which musical genre is best for relieving anxiety and stress in your dog?
July 28, 2022/by Dia DuVernetFind your new best pet friend at ‘Free Adoption Day’ event presented by Pasadena Humane
July 20, 2022/by Dia DuVernetKeep your pets cool and safe during summertime heat with these cautions and entertaining activities
July 15, 2022/by Dia DuVernetCelebrating July 4 is fun for adults, not so much for pet friends, scared of booming fireworks
July 7, 2022/by Dia DuVernet‘Take Your Dog to Work Day’ should be spark for more companies to offer pooch-friendly options
June 30, 2022/by Dia DuVernetThinking about fostering during kitten season? Advice from an expert foster cat mom: ‘Do it!’
June 22, 2022/by Dia DuVernetPeople names, nicknames or silly names: What’s best when naming your pet pal?
June 15, 2022/by Dia DuVernetThe most unusual animal to be sheltered at Pasadena Humane? Tina, the alligator
June 8, 2022/by Dia DuVernetAccess to pets may help alleviate anxiety and stress when unexpected traumas occur
May 31, 2022/by Dia DuVernetWhen adopting a dog, don’t let breed get in the way of a ‘genuine connection’
May 26, 2022/by Dia DuVernetWith coyote sightings on the rise, humane deterrents are key
May 13, 2022/by Dia DuVernetDonations to be tripled on Pasadena Humane’s May 10 ‘Day of Giving’ campaign
May 11, 2022/by Dia DuVernetAdopt a Shelter Pet Day falls at time of year when pet adoptions are slow, need is great
May 5, 2022/by Dia DuVernetOpt for peaceful coexistence with wildlife for this year’s Earth Day
April 27, 2022/by Dia DuVernetAnimal shelters need and welcome help as they cope with ‘Kitten Season’ now through the fall
April 13, 2022/by Dia DuVernetIt’s no myth, pet cats need yearly veterinary checkups to ensure a healthy long life
April 6, 2022/by Dia DuVernetPet food ‘safety net’ at Pasadena Humane helps pets stay with their families when income crisis occurs
March 30, 2022/by Dia DuVernetFamily pets deserve compassion in times of war, natural disasters
March 23, 2022/by Dia DuVernetMicrochipping a pet is a loving necessity for reuniting quickly with family when lost from home
March 17, 2022/by Dia DuVernetVeterinarians, veterinary technicians in short supply as pet care needs increase amid pandemic time
March 9, 2022/by Dia DuVernetIt’s no act, the ability to show empathy and love is the true power of dogs
February 23, 2022/by Dia DuVernetConsider a savvy adult dog when it comes to adopting a new member into your family
February 17, 2022/by Dia DuVernetShow some love for guinea pigs at ‘Cu-pig’ adoption event
February 9, 2022/by Dia DuVernetTips for keeping pets safe and warm outside during chilly winters
February 2, 2022/by Dia DuVernetPasadena Humane has a soft-spot for helping squirrels, as well as cats, dogs and other critters
January 27, 2022/by Dia DuVernetPasadena Humane suggests you ‘Live Large in 2022’ by adopting or fostering a big dog
January 19, 2022/by Dia DuVernetWhether you choose ‘glamour tags’ or not, pet licenses still serve poignant purpose
January 12, 2022/by Dia DuVernetMake your pet a part of your 2022 New Year’s resolutions and you’ll both be happier and healthier
January 4, 2022/by Dia DuVernetYoung girl, puppy bonded over their mutual deafness, grew up together in mutual love
December 30, 2021/by Dia DuVernetAnimal hoarding is both a human and animal health issue that takes toll on rescue agencies
December 22, 2021/by Dia DuVernetGifts, treats and activities for your cat or dog are sweet ways to include your pet in holiday spirit
December 14, 2021/by Dia DuVernetGo the extra mile with planning when you decide to take your pet with you on a vacation trip
December 8, 2021/by Dia DuVernetDonating to animal rescues like Pasadena Humane is one way to help on Giving Tuesday, Nov. 30
December 1, 2021/by Dia DuVernetHow to keep your pet safe and healthy on Thanksgiving and other holiday gatherings
November 22, 2021/by Dia DuVernetThe importance of spay/neuter of pets and ‘community’ cats before ‘kitten season’ next spring
November 17, 2021/by Dia DuVernetKnowing how to work with people is key when it comes to helping animals
November 10, 2021/by Dia DuVernetHow pets help us cope with anxiety, loss and stress, as well as bringing happiness into our life
November 3, 2021/by Dia DuVernetStay Up To Date
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Animal Resource Center
Admissions – Lost & Found – Pet Support Services
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 Days a week
Appointment recommended. Please call 626.792.7151 ext. 975 to make an appointment.
Shelter Shop
Monday to Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
*Shelter Shop is open for walk-in customers.
Visiting Hours
Saturdays and Sundays: 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. (unless otherwise noted).
Visiting Hours are paused until further notice. Thank you for understanding.
Walk-In: Daily, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (beginning February 10)
Adoptions will resume on February 10.