Entries by Pasadena Humane

2024 Holiday Gift Guide

The holidays are the perfect time to spread the love and give back to homeless animals in your community. There are so many ways to show your support this holiday […]

Meet Ahsoka (previously Nina)

Ahsoka has really flourished into an incredibly outgoing and social kitten. Her love for food and tv have become some of our favorite moments since adopting her. She is a […]

Meet Rocky

Rocky is so mellow and easygoing. He always wants me to pet him and play with him, he likes to take baths (he jumps right in the tub), he is […]

Meet Romeo and Nick

When we first got Romeo (formerly known as Loofa) a few weeks ago, he was a shy and scared little boy. It took him a while to warm up to […]

Meet Sweet Tea

I found this social butterfly Sweet Tea now known as Angel Joy, shortly after my 18 y.o Sweets passed a week ago. I’m looking forward to Sweet Tea being my […]