594 Community Cats Spayed and Neutered During Five Day TNRM Event
Last week, Pasadena Humane held a marathon five day TNRM (Trap-Neuter-Return-Monitor) event where we spay/neutered and vaccinated nearly 600 community cats from across LA County. This incredible event was made possible by the #SpayTogether coalition, Animal Balance, and Pasadena Humane donors. Our veterinary team and volunteers did an amazing job making sure this event ran smoothly and safely. Thank you to Alley Cat Rescue, Kitty Bungalow, Stray Paws Animal Haven, Coalition for Pets, Luxe Paws, and the many private trappers who brought us community cats. These cats will now live much healthier lives, and will no longer be contributing to the overpopulation of kittens that end up in shelters every year.