Meet The Rock Dogson

Meet The Rock Dogson

We love the Rock! Whom we now affectionately call “Rocky!” He is the absolute sweetest boy, a gentle giant, who loves nothing more than to cuddle. While he is 100 pounds, he sees himself more like a lap dog. He is a great walker, and is so sweet with little dogs and children. Our friends and family love him and are excited to see him. He enjoys resting his (very heavy) head on our feet, and enjoys resting in the most inconvenient locations, including hallways, bathrooms, and table edges. It’s adorable! He enjoys the beach and water as well. We will be taking him to on his first vacation up the California coast. He had some separation anxiety in the beginning but we’ve been working on it, and he has vastly improved! Thank you so much PHS for all of your incredible love and care to the Rock before he joined us. We feel SO lucky he has joined our family.