Meet Lola

Lola (fka Lollipop) adjusted to her new home very quickly. When I brought her home I opened her cat carrier and she hopped right out and walked around like she owned the place. She’s such a sweetheart and very smart. She learned how to sit, shake, and spin.

We live in an apartment building and she spends her days looking out of the window watching the neighbors pass by as they tell her how cute she is. One of our neighbors has a dog who loves cats and they boop noses through the window screen.

She loves to chase her spring toys and her favorite green furry ball. She also enjoys sitting in boxes and playing with the pieces of cardboard that she chews off the boxes. She likes to play chase and is very good finding me when I hide.

I love Lola so much! I’m so happy I was able to give her a home.