About Pasadena Humane

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But we are proud to say that Pasadena Humane contributed 491 entries already.

Entries by Pasadena Humane

Maybe, Just Maybe…

By Jacqui Dziak Maybe you don’t have a pet yet, and you have been thinking about getting one for some time. Maybe, pre-pandemic, you worked too much or had a […]

Bowie, Formerly Avalanche

Avalanche—New name: Bowie, is such a LOVE! Not shy at all…the opposite. Once we got him home, fed and on a few walks, he is not showing any signs of being head […]

Adventuring with Tiki

I stopped by the PHS looking for a new buddy to find his forever home after saying goodbye to my Yeti of 17 years. There I found a matted flea […]

Meet Toby

Here’s a silly picture of my darling East Toby. I love that he can be silly. This October, is our fifth anniversary. I’ve heard people say’ “rescue dogs are the […]

Meet Coco

We’re very bless to have Coco in our family, he is adjusting very well and as you can see he’s loved abundantly ????????????????

Meet Bailey

I rescued my cat Bailey he is a boy in December 2008 from the Pasadena shelter. He is such an amazing and loving companion. My friend’s and family that meet […]

Lily’s Birthday

I adopted Lily last October during a very hard time in my life. My mother had passed away in July, 3 months prior. I adopted Lily since I had always […]

Maggie the Miracle

Our Maggie (prior named Miss Miracle) came to us through an article in the paper stating she was hit by a “hit and run” car near Huntington Dr. and Fremont. […]

Meet Iggy

Here is Iggy. I adopted Iggy in 2012 and since then, he has become the highlight of my days. He has the life of a doggy king! He eats the […]