About Dia DuVernet

This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Dia DuVernet contributed 160 entries already.

Entries by Dia DuVernet

Veterinarians at Pasadena Humane give care to cats, dogs and sometimes an iguana

Over the past two weeks, I’ve introduced you to some of the amazing staff members working in the Animal Resource Center and in the adoptions department at Pasadena Humane. As we continue our series showcasing front line animal shelter workers, I’m excited to take you behind the scenes with one of our shelter veterinarians, Dr. Anna Sarfaty. The Intensive Care […]

Pasadena Humane adoption counselors are matchmakers for forever homes

Last week, I introduced you to one of Pasadena Humane’s Animal Resource Specialists, Tatihana Flores. For the second in our series on frontline animal shelter staff, we’ll take a behind-the-scenes look at another one of the most important jobs in a shelter: the Adoptions Counselor. The next time you are looking to adopt at Pasadena […]

Dog Poop DNA 101: Welcome to the future of pet-waste management

So many of you enjoyed my column about pee-mail a couple of weeks ago that I find it fitting to write a follow-up about, well, poop. Let’s start with PooPrints, the leading dog poop DNA testing company. A dog’s profile is collected via a cheek swab and registered in the DNA World Pet Registry Database. […]

Garden wildlife? Tips to keep critters and your pet safe and healthy

With spring in the air, we are seeing the start to our busy season at Pasadena Humane. It’s the time when kittens begin to flow into the shelter, along with injured and orphaned baby wild animals. Recently our animal control officers rescued eight baby Virginia opossums from a car engine. Their mom had been fatally […]

‘Pee mail’ is a thing between your dog and other dogs on walkies

You may have heard the term “pee mail,” but I like to think of pee as dogs’ social media, a “dogbook,” if you will. Dogs can “tag” where they have been, “like” another dog’s pee, and learn vast amounts of personal, or I guess “dogal” information about their canine neighbors. With a quick sniff of […]

No chocolate, ever, for pets; try green beans, carrots or plain yogurt for dog snacks

One of my favorite food groups is chocolate. When February rolls around, my mouth waters in anticipation of the Valentine’s feast. While I haven’t met many chocolates I didn’t love (no chocolate-covered cherries for me, please), my favorites are dark chocolate covered caramels topped with sea salt. I’ve recently started dabbling in serious gourmet chocolate […]

When dog-walking neighbors come together for support when a beloved pet dies

Last week, I received a heartfelt email from a longtime Pasadena Humane volunteer, Mary Townsend. Mary’s good friend and neighbor was facing the difficult decision of putting her 16-year-old dog to sleep. The dog’s health was failing, and his “good days” were few and far between. Saying goodbye to a beloved companion animal is one […]

Spread the love during National Walk Your Dog Month

  At our home in the hills of West Pasadena, we have a back patio, rather than a backyard. So, every day is Walk Your Dog Day for me. I don’t have a choice. For those of you with yards, it may be tempting to open the back door and forgo the walk. That’s why […]