Meet Pittunia

Meet Pittunia

Last week, we were at Pasadena Humane and found a beautiful little girl named Birdie. We took her with us on a trial basis but decided she was a perfect fit for us. Her name is now Pittunia because she’s a pittie and just like a pretty little flower! We finalized Pittunia’s adoption today. She has been the sweetest girl imaginable and learns new things every day. She snores but we like that because we know she is sleeping peacefully. Our two beloved pups, Rex and Sandy, passed away within the last 6 months, and a friend told us they would pick out a new pup for us when we were ready. I guess they must have done exactly that. Here are a couple of photos of her in the backyard shade. Thank you so much to everyone at Pasadena Humane for the help, assistance, and time they were able to spend with us.