Meet Buster

Meet Buster

I knew he was special when I saw him sitting quietly in his kennel at Pasadena Humane while all the other dogs barked for attention. Buster seemed to be calling out for help with his big eyes and silence, and once I got to meet him, I knew it was meant to be. I could hardly wait the two days for him to be neutered before I could come take him home.

Buster has the heart of an angel and the sweetest disposition. He loves sniffing people and trying to make friends on our walks, and though he’s a bit shy, every day, he gets more and more confident. It’s a big world for a little guy like him, and he’s handling the adjustment so well. He and my resident cat, Baby, have quickly become fast friends and love cuddling up on the bed together with me every night. I’m so grateful to Pasadena Humane for bringing this little love muffin into my life!