Scooter is front and center on the float enjoying a bowl of Hill’s Pet Nutrition dog food. He came to Pasadena Humane after a traumatic event had left his spine severely damaged. The injury left him unable to use his back legs, forcing poor Scooter to drag them along to get around. His legs were covered in painful sores–the result of them constantly rubbing along the ground. Despite his pain, Scooter was full of life. This little dog charmed our staff and volunteers with his big personality. We fit him for his very own wheelchair, allowing him to run and play as he deserved.
Scooter’s Best Day Ever was the day his new parents, Michael and Chad met him at Pasadena Humane. Their previous experience with a wheelchair-bound dog prepared them well for getting Scooter adjusted to his new home. Scooter bonded with them immediately, and his adorable antics warmed their hearts.