Training Classes
Pasadena Humane offers in-person training classes and workshops taught by experienced, professional trainers. Unless otherwise noted, classes are held at the Pasadena Humane Behavior & Training Center, located at 361 S. Raymond Avenue in Pasadena.
Explore classes and workshops for:
Puppies (7.5 weeks to 11 months) | Obedience Classes (6 months and up) | Shy or Reactive Dogs | Special Skills | Cats/Kittens
At Pasadena Humane, we are taking extra precautions to keep our students safe by implementing additional cleaning and disinfecting protocols in response to Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex. Learn more about CIRDC here.
Best Pet Trainer
Puppies (7.5 weeks to 11 months)
Puppy Pre-School (7.5-11 weeks)
New Puppy, who dis? Calling all brand-new puppy parents! Don’t miss out on this once in a dog-lifetime opportunity to start off on the right paw. Our puppy coaches are standing by to help guide you through potty training, mouthing & biting, and handling exercises. But wait, there’s more! Did you know that early positive reinforcement training & socialization have a beneficial impact throughout your pet’s life? Your little one (ages 7.5 weeks to 11 weeks) can explore safely in our sanitized, puppy-friendly indoor training room. Act now! Puppies must be under 12 weeks of age on the first day of this 3-week course. You will receive expert advice from skilled puppy trainers, a low-stress introduction to your puppy’s future Playschool & Manners classrooms, and gentle exposure during a key socialization period. All this for the low cost of $75!
- Puppies should be between 7.5-11 weeks on first day of class
- 3 week course is $75
- Must have one adult (18+) pet parent present
- Your puppy must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
Available Sessions:
Wednesdays, April 2-April 16, 7-7:45 p.m.
Puppy Playschool 1-Day Workshop (7.5-16 weeks)
Puppy guardians! Looking for a safe and fun venue to socialize your new best friend? Join the training staff and fellow new puppy parents at Pasadena Humane’s Puppy Playschool. This ongoing workshop welcomes vaccinated puppies who are over 8 weeks or under 16 weeks of age. Your puppy will be gently exposed to novel sights & sounds and our small sized playgroups are thoughtfully designed to help build your puppy’s confidence gradually. Skilled trainers and volunteers educated in dog body language will be on hand to guide you and your pup to learn about healthy play & positive training building blocks.
- Must have one adult pet parent present
- $25 per session
- Your puppy must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
Available Dates
March 22, 10:30-11:15 a.m.
March 29, 10:30-11:15 a.m.
April 19, 10:30-11:15 a.m.
April 26, 10:30-11:15 a.m.
Puppy Manners 5-Week Course (7.5-16 weeks)
Calling all puppies! Grab your guardian and join us for Puppy Manners! During this 5-week course, our certified trainers will continue to guide you through puppyhood and help you avoid common mistakes such as chewing dad’s favorite slippers, pulling on leash, jumping up, and more. They will teach your human to use positive reinforcement techniques (treats & praise!) to help you learn valuable life skills and you’re going to have such fun learning with us!
- Puppies must be 7.5-16 weeks old at first class meeting
- Must have one adult pet parent present
- $215 per 5-week session
- Your puppy must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
Available Sessions:
Wednesdays, March 26-April 23, 5:30-6:15 p.m.
Pre-Teen Pups (4-6 months)
Available Sessions
Thursdays, April 3-April 17, 5:30-6:15 p.m.
Sundays, April 20-May 4, 10-10:45 a.m.
Adolescent Pups Workshops (5-11 months)
Teenagers, am I right?! Adolescence (5-11 months) can be a frustrating time for both pups and their people. This is also a critical time to keep guiding your young dog to make good choices. In these repeatable 45-minute workshops, we’ll continue building on the training skills that you started in Puppy Manners, but don’t worry if you’re just getting started – jump right in and learn with us! A revolving set of topics will include: leash handling, confidence building training games, staying calm for greetings, and more. Sign up for each one-day workshop individually.
- Dogs must be between 5-11 months of age at start of class date
- Dogs must have one adult pet parent present
- Dogs must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
- $40 per 45-minute workshop
Available Dates:
March 22, 12:30-1:15 p.m.
March 29, 12:30-1:15 p.m.
April 19, 12:30-1:15 p.m.
April 26, 12:30-1:15 p.m.
Obedience Classes (6 months and older)
Basics 101 (6 months and up)
Don’t say “basic” like it’s a bad thing! Your dog could be basically awesome after taking Basics 101 at Pasadena Humane! This 5-week class covers level 1 core skills for adult dogs. Our certified trainers will teach you how to motivate and communicate with your dog in a fun, positive way. You’ll learn requests like lie down, follow me, go to place, and the foundations of important life skills like loose leash walking. Dogs in Basics 101 should be comfortable enough to stand calmly and take treats within 10 feet of other dogs.
- Limit 9 dogs
- Dogs must have one adult pet parent present
- $215 per 5-week session
- Your dog must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
Available Sessions:
Thursdays, March 27-April 24, 7-7:45 p.m.
Sundays, April 13-May 11, 12-12:45 p.m.
Beyond Basics (6 months and up)
Reliability and beyond! Ready to sharpen skills and continue to connect with your canine? This 5 week course adds duration and distance to familiar cues introduced in Basics 101. We will also coach you how to teach your dog new requests including Stay and Backup. Students should be able to perform cues Touch, Go to Mat, and Lie down around other dogs comfortably.
- Dogs must have one adult pet parent present
- $215 per 5-week session
- Your dog must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
Available Sessions:
Please check back later for upcoming sessions.
Shy or Reactive Dogs
Large Dog Reactive Rovers (6 months and up)
Is your dog making a scene when they see other dogs on leash, moving vehicles, or wildlife? Has all the barking, lunging, and growling become just too much for you to handle? In this 5-week course, our trainers will help you to build essential training and coping skills for your dog. Our classroom setup is designed to reduce visual contact and is limited to only 6 students. Appropriate for dogs 30 lbs. and over. We recommend that dogs with reactivity at distances of 20ft. or more seek private help from a certified professional dog consultant prior to attending this class.
- For dogs 30 lbs. and over
- Dogs must have at least one adult pet parent present
- $245 per 5-week session
- This class is not appropriate for dogs with a bite history or who are reactive to people
- Your dog must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
Available Sessions:
Tuesdays, March 25-April 22, 5:30-6:15 p.m.
Large Dog Reactive Rovers – AUDIT
Large Dog Reactive Rovers – AUDIT (LDRR-A) is for pet guardians of reactive dogs who would like to learn from our certified trainers without taking their dog to class. Students who audit may take notes and observe other dog handler teams in our Large Dog Reactive Rovers course. You will have the same access to instructional homework assignments to work with your dog in the comfort of your home. “Ask-a-trainer” email access is also included. Perfect for those whose dog may be reactive to people, are scent/sound sensitive, or are too anxious to work in the classroom environment.
- $180 for 5 week course
- Each session is 45 minutes in length
- Limit 2 Audit students per class
- Please no audio or video recording during class
- For pet guardians only. Do not bring your pet to class
Available Sessions:
Tuesdays, March 25-April 22, 5:30-6:15 p.m.
Little Dogs with Big Feelings (6 months and up)
Does your small dog seem to struggle on daily walks? Wondering why they seem to be fearful of some things, and aggressive towards others? You’re not alone! Join other pet guardians in this 5-week course. Our trainers will guide you and your small dog to become more confident and restore peace to your outdoor adventures. Using positive reinforcement and helpful management ideas, we can help build essential training skills for you and your dog. Our classroom structure is designed to reduce visual contact and is limited to only 6 students. Appropriate for dogs under 30 lbs. We recommend that dogs with reactivity at distances of 20 ft. or more seek private help from a certified professional dog consultant prior to attending this class.
- For dogs under 30 lbs.
- Dogs must have at least one adult pet parent present
- $245 per 5-week session
- This class is not appropriate for dogs with a bite history or who are reactive to people
- Your dog must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
Available Sessions:
Tuesdays, March 25-April 22, 7-7:45 p.m.
Little Dogs with Big Feelings – AUDIT
Little Dogs with Big Feelings – AUDIT (LDBF-A) is for pet guardians of reactive dogs who would like to learn from our certified trainers without taking their dog to class. Students who audit may take notes and observe other dog handler teams in our Little Dogs with Big Feelings course. You will have the same access to instructional homework assignments to work with your dog in the comfort of your home. “Ask-a-trainer” email access is also included. Perfect for those whose dog may be reactive to people, are scent/sound sensitive, or are too anxious to work in the classroom environment.
- $180 for 5 week course
- Each session is 45 minutes in length
- Limit 2 Audit students per class
- Please no audio or video recording during class
- For pet guardians only. Do not bring your pet to class
Available Sessions:
Tuesdays, March 25-April 22, 7-7:45 p.m.
Reactive Rovers 2: Beyond the Barriers (6 months and up)
Attention Reactive Rover & Little Dogs with Big Feelings Grads! Are you ready to bravely step out beyond the barrier and into advanced learning skills? Pasadena Humane’s reactive graduates are invited to an exclusive class that will boost your skills. Dog handlers can practice in the presence of other graduates in a safe learning environment. From leash work to addressing real-life situations, you and your dog will feel more confident with the advice and guidance from our certified professional dog trainers. Successful completion of Reactive course is required.
- Dog handlers must have participated in all 5 weeks of Reactive Rovers or Little Dogs with Big Feelings
- Dogs must have at least one adult pet parent present
- $245 per 5-week session
- Your dog must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
Available Sessions:
Please check back later for upcoming sessions.
Brave Buddies: Confidence Building for Small Dogs (6 months and up)
Got a cowering canine who could benefit from a confidence boost? If your nervous Nellie is overwhelmed by large, noisy training classes, Brave Buddies may just be a better fit. We will work at a considerate & calm pace serving only small dogs 20 lbs. and under. Your fearful friend will blossom into a brave little buddy with our fear-free training methods. Pasadena Humane’s certified trainers will introduce you to practical confidence-boosting activities that you can practice in class and at home. Not sure if this course is right for your dog? Contact the training team for advice:
- For small breed dogs 20lbs and under
- 3-week course is $75
- Not suitable for reactive dogs
- Your dog must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
Available Sessions
Please check back later for upcoming sessions.
Special Skills
Rockstar Recalls (4 months and up)
Buddy, come! Come! Buddy! Buddy?… Oh, Buddy.
Can’t recall the last time your dog came running back the first time you asked? In this 45-minute workshop, we’ll show you how to build a recall so solid your dog might even ignore that squirrel! The best part? It’s all about positive reinforcement, and we’re going to have so much fun learning. This workshop is repeatable, and our trainers will help you work to advance your dog’s skill level from beginner to rockstar! To participate in this workshop your dog must be comfortable enough to stand calmly and take treats within 10 feet of other dogs.
- Dogs must have one adult pet parent present
- $40 per 45-minute workshop
- Your dog must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
Available Dates:
March 20, 5-5:45 p.m.
Walk This Way (4 months and up)
Is walking your dog a drag? In this repeatable 3 week mini-course, we’ll guide you on how to teach your dog (ages 4 months and up) to walk on a lead without dashing forward. Improve upon your leash handling skills with us in our large training room and practice around distractions at your dog’s comfort level. Get informed, professional advice about pain-free equipment that will work best for you and your dog. Each session is 45 minutes.
- 3-week course is $75
- This class is not appropriate for dogs who bark, growl, or lunge when seeing other dogs within 10 feet.
- Your dog must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
Available Sessions:
Sundays, March 16-March 30, 10:30-11:15 a.m.
Calm Canines (6 months and up)
Do you feel like your dog never runs low on batteries or struggles to settle down? Have you heard the old saying- “a tired dog is a good dog”? Woof. Let’s take a new approach. In this repeatable one-day workshop, we’re going to show you why you don’t need to run 5 miles, climb a mountain, or play fetch for an hour for your dog to be “good and calm”. There are many ways in which we can help our dogs relax in their daily lives that don’t require running them to physical exhaustion. We will be teaching relaxation protocol and fun indoor training games, as well as providing options to entertain and enrich your pet’s life.
- Dogs must have one adult pet parent present
- $40 per 45-minute workshop
- Your dog must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
Available Sessions:
April 19, 3-3:45 p.m.
Paws & Play Agility: A Fun Fitness Class for Dogs (1 year and up)
Our trainers will introduce you and your dog to some fun, non-competitive agility & balance exercises in this 3-week mini course. After starting out with gentle stretching, we’ll play around on some confidence boosting agility equipment. This class is for adult dogs (over 1 year of age) with no current physical injuries. Dogs must be comfortable around seeing & hearing other dogs moving or running at an ~8ft distance. This course is repeatable, and difficulty levels can be adjusted as your dog’s skill progresses.
- Dogs must have one adult pet parent present
- 3-week course is $75
- Your dog must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
Available Sessions:
Please check back later for upcoming sessions.
Kitten Kindergarten (8-14 weeks)
We’re litter-ally not kidding – we’ve got a training class for kitties! Whether you’re a first time cat guardian or already a pawsome pet parent, this 3 week class is for you. Get up-to-date behavior advice for your 8-14 week old kittens from a Certified Cat Behavior Counselor. Safely socialize your pet with other kittens and new people in a clean, managed environment. Our cat training “purrfessors” will cover topics including litter box habits, mouthing, scratching, harness training, & much more! Kindergarten is not appropriate for kittens who are still learning to build trust with humans. Not sure if this class is right for your kitty? Email with your inquiry.
- Limit 8 kittens per class
- Kittens must be between 8 – 14 weeks of age
- Must have one adult pet parent present
- Kittens must be up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccines
- Kittens must arrive in a fully enclosed, sturdy fabric or plastic carrier
- 3 Week Class is $75
Available Sessions:
Please check back later for upcoming sessions.
Private Training Consultations
Pasadena Humane is now offering online and in-person private training!
Our certified pet consultants offer one-on-one training and behavior assessments for dogs and cats. Whether you’re looking for extra support teaching loose leash walking, seeking advice about your newly adopted pet, or need help with your reactive rover, we are here to help. Our trainers practice least inhibitive, functionally effective (LIFE) training methods without the use of punishment or force. Our goals are to use tools and methods of coaching that are fear free for pets & people alike.
Have a question about our private training? Contact us by emailing or by calling 626.792.7151 ext. 155.
In-Person Canine Private Training
Our 75 minute in-person sessions are held at Pasadena Humane (361 S. Raymond Ave.). A certified instructor will be assigned to host your private lesson and work to develop a training plan that works for you and your dog. We can help with behavioral concerns ranging from potty training to on-leash dog reactivity. In-person private training is perfect for those looking to improve their leash walking skills, solve jumping & mouthing behaviors, solve door dashing issues, or for group class students in need of personalized attention during or after attending classes.
- $150 for one 75-minute session
- Dogs must be up-to-date on vaccines and flea meds
- In-person sessions are not appropriate for dogs with a bite history or reactive to people
- 48 hours notice required for any cancellations or rescheduling
Online Canine Private Training
Our 45 minute online private sessions for canines are held via Zoom. Learn from the comfort of your own home from our certified training consultants. We will be able to coach you while observing your pet in their own environment. Online coaching sessions are perfect for dogs struggling with fearful behaviors, noise phobias, reactivity to people or dogs, and separation-related destructive behaviors.
- $95 for one 45-minute session
- 48 hours notice required for any cancellations or rescheduling
Online Feline Private Training
Our 45 minute online private training sessions for felines are held via Zoom. Get professional coaching and training in the comfort of your own home from a certified feline behavior consultant. We specialize in feline behavior ranging from litter box issues to aggression. So whether you are looking to teach your kitty to walk on a leash or are in need of help with a serious behavioral issue, we’ve got you covered.
- $95 for one 45-minute session
- 48 hours notice required for any cancellations or rescheduling
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